Fees and Charges

All fees should be paid at the time of application.

Payment Options are as follows:-  ( Please Note: CASH cannot be accepted )

  1. Pay via our secure online application process.
  2. Enclose a cheque or postal order made payable to the ‘Police & Crime Commissioner Dorset’.
  3. Pay by Debit or Credit card – Once we receive your application and it gets as far as the payment stage we will then contact you via the phone number(s) provided to take the payment over the phone.


Firearms Grant
When no current firearm certificate is held
Firearms Renewal
To renew a current Firearm certificate. Please note that if your old certificate has already expired prior to the date you submit your renewal forms, you will be required to pay £88.00 for a grant. 
Shotgun Grant
When no current shotgun certificate is held
Shotgun Renewal
To renew a current Shotgun certificate. Please note that if your old certificate has already expired prior to the date you submit your renewal forms, you will be required to pay £79.50 for a grant. 
Coterminous Grant
When applying for both Firearm and Shotgun certificates that you would like to expire on the same date where one or both of the certificates is a grant. *Please note that the expiry date of a Firearm certificate cannot be changed.  
Coterminous Renewal
When applying to renew Firearm and Shotgun certificates that you would like to expire on the same date. Both of the certificates must be a renewal.
When increasing the number of weapons held on a current Firearm certificate.
Registered Firearms Dealer Grant or Renewal £200.00
Visitors Firearm Permit
Where a resident in Great Britain sponsors an applicant from abroad
Visitors Shotgun Permit
Where a resident in Great Britain sponsors an applicant from abroad
Visitors Permit - Group of 6-20
Where a resident in Great Britain sponsors a group of applicants from abroad. *This group must all travel and arrive on same date and time.
Registered Firearms Dealer Game Fairs
Where a current Registered Firearms Dealer request to operate their business in an additonal force area for a temporary period i.e. Game Fair. 
Replacement Shotgun Certificate
When a current Shotgun certificate is lost. *Please note that if a certificate is stolen, please notify Dorset Police on 101 where you will be provided an incident number. If an incident number is obtained, a replacement certificate will be issued free of charge.
Replacement Firearm Certificate
When a current Shotgun certificate is lost. *Please note that if a certificate is stolen, please notify Dorset Police on 101 where you will be provided an incident number. If an incident number is obtained, a replacement certificate will be issued free of charge.